Described As "Loud, Energetic & Unique" - CBS
Fiverr Fury: Is It Worth The Price? (Ozarks First)
"Harold Everton is loud, energetic, and whatever you want him to be"
- Justin Dougherty, CBS News Reporter, Springfield, MO
Truly An Icon Of The Gig Economy - Fiverr Blog 
Super Seller Harold Everton Singer/Songerwriter & CEO of GiveMeApps
"Known for this Energetic personality and humor, Harold Everton offers
Commercials, Jingles, Live Interviews and More!"
- Fiverr Editorial Team, Fiverr International, Ltd
"He's A Larger-Than-Life New Yorker" - Wired Magazine 
"Harold's definitely a one-of-a-kind dynamo able to work round-the-clock
like no other"
- Micha Kaufman, Fiverr Co-Founder, Lawyer, Blogger - Wired Magazine